How to auto re-launch a YARN Application Master on a failure.

1)Use Case:

The fundamental idea of Hadoop2 (Map-Reduce + Yarn) is to split up the two major functionalities of the JobTracker, resource management and job scheduling/monitoring, into separate daemons. The idea is to have a global ResourceManager (RM) and per-application ApplicationMaster (AM). An application is either a single job in the classical sense of Map-Reduce jobs or a DAG of jobs.

The ResourceManager and per-node slave, the NodeManager (NM), form the data-computation framework. The ResourceManager is the ultimate authority that arbitrates resources among all the applications in the system.

The per-application ApplicationMaster is, in effect, a framework specific library and is tasked with negotiating resources from the ResourceManager and working with the NodeManager(s) to execute and monitor the tasks.

The ResourceManager has two main components:

1. Scheduler: is responsible for allocating resources to the various running applications.

2. ApplicationsManager: is responsible for accepting job-submissions, negotiating the first container for executing the application specific ApplicationMaster and provides the service for restarting the ApplicationMaster container on failure.

In cluster we can’t say when which node will go down/fail, so we have to setup our cluster very carefully to prevent ant stopping or data loss because of any node/deamon failure. So for that we can make it auto restart on failure.


To enable Application Master restarts:

1.      You can adjust the property in the yarn-site.xml file. The default setting is 2.

2.      You can more directly tune how many times a MapReduce Application Master should restart by adjusting property in the mapred-site.xml file. The default setting is 2.

      You can use the property in the yarn-site.xml file         to enable recovery of completed tasks. The default setting is "true".
      The 2 setting means Application Master can get a 1 attempt to relaunch automatically, so if we             want to set it more attempts then you need to set it accordingly.


      When a node goes down, the corresponding containers including any Application Masters also get       terminated. When that happens, Resource Manager does two things:
      (1) For Application Masters, it automatically restarts them based on application policies
      (2) For containers, it informs the corresponding ApplicationMasters which can then take necessary       action (retry, kill application etc.).
      When the ApplicationMaster fails, the ResourceManager simply starts another container with a             new ApplicationMaster running in it for another application attempt. It is the responsibility of the             new ApplicationMaster to recover the state of the older ApplicationMaster, and this is possible only       when ApplicationMasters persist their states in the external location so that it can be used for future       reference. ApplicatoinMaster will store their state to persisitant disk thus all the status till the failure       can be recovered.

    4) Description

In Hadoop 1 the death of the Job Tracker would result in the loss of all jobs -- both running and queued. With a YARN MapReduce job, the equivalent to the Job Tracker is the Application Master. Because the Application Master will now run on compute nodes, this can lead to an increase in failure scenarios. To combat MapReduce Application Master failures,

YARN has the capability to restart a specified number of times, as well as the capability to recover completed tasks. Additionally, much like the Job Tracker, the Application Master keeps  metrics for jobs that are currently running. Typically the Application Master tracking URL makes these available, and these metrics can be found in the YARN web UI  enable MapReduce recovery in YARN.

During the execution of an application, the ApplicationMaster communicates NodeManagers through NMClientAsync object. All container events are handled by NMClientAsync.CallbackHandler, associated with NMClientAsync. A typical callback handler handles client start, stop, status update and error. ApplicationMaster also reports execution progress to ResourceManager by handling the getProgress() method of AMRMClientAsync.CallbackHandler.

    5) Referances:


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