
Showing posts from January, 2018

Read JSON File in Cassandra

INSERT/Load Json data File in Cassandra (3.0+) table Requirement: Create Cassandra table where we can load json data into it. Here some of the column name is separated by space(like 'a b'). Load JSON file into the table. Challenge:  Cassandra support only 'CSV file' load in Table(As per my understanding and searched till now) by using 'COPY' command but not 'JSON' file. Resolution: As per the Cassandra document page, Cassandra supports CSV record level insert and file level insert both operation but for JSON it only support Record level insert by following command: cqlsh> INSERT INTO keyspace1.table1 JSON '{   "id" : "12",    "DB" : "Cassandra",    "ops" : "Insert",   "Project" : "Hadoop" }'; So If we want to insert whole file in the table then we need to loop for each object in JSON file and need to call insert query every tim...